Experience Excellence with NetZero Solar - Serving Vancouver Island & the Lower Mainland

Is Solar Power Right For You?

We believe in the future of our planet, in clean, renewable energy, and that solar energy is a great choice for most homes. That’s why this is our business. But here are some things to think about.

Reasons to choose solar energy:

  • Do you want to decrease your energy costs over the long-term?
  • Do you want to increase your property value?
  • Do you want to decrease reliance on dwindling petroleum products?
  • Do you care about the eco-friendliness of your home or office?
  • Do you care about providing clean and renewable energy?
  • Does your home efficiency rating need to improve before being listed?

If the answers to these questions, above, are yes, then you are a good candidate for solar energy.


Reasons why you may choose to wait for solar energy:

  • Are you a renter instead of a homeowner?
  • Are you part of an HOA or a strata?

If the answers to these questions, above, are yes, then you may need to wait before implementing a solar system.

You need to be a property owner to implement solar energy.

Home Owner Associations (HOA’s) or stratas may have rules restricting the implementation of solar energy systems.

The biggest dollar gains and savings from solar energy systems is long term. The upfront cost pays for itself over years not months.

When we do an estimate and quote for you, we will show you in black and white how far into the future the upfront cost will pay for itself.


Contact us today, and discuss with us whether solar-powered energy solutions for your home or office are the right choice for you. We can help you to make that decision.

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