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6 Ways residential solar power systems are optimised for maximum efficiency

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Solar power systems are an investment, so of course you want to get the most out of it possible. That’s where our expertise comes in.

We consider a number of factors to achieve solar power system optimization for both residential and commercial solar system set-ups. For instance, the type of panel plays a role, as does its location on your roof and its pitch. We also look at batteries, inverters and net metering to maximise your system’s efficiency. Let’s take a closer look.

Solar power system optimization

  1. Type of panel
  2. Position and pitch
  3. Batteries
  4. Inverters
  5. Net metering
  6. System additions

Type of panel

There are 3 main types of solar panels available, each with their own benefits:

  1. Monocrystalline: most efficient, most durable, black-coloured, more expensive
  2. Polycrystalline: blue-hued, slightly less efficient and durable but more affordable
  3. Thin-film: Cheaper, lightweight, good in high temps and low light, least efficient

The more efficient a solar panel, the more expensive it is. So cost-efficiency also becomes a factor. Get the most efficient panels your budget allows.

Position and pitch

The best position for your solar panels is facing the trajectory of the sun and out of the shade cast by other buildings and trees. There’s also going to be an ideal pitch to angle your panels, which will depend upon the pitch of your roof.


For maximum efficiency you want to be able to use every bit of electricity your panels generate. So you'll need batteries to store the energy collected until you need it. This way you’ll always have power when necessary. But if you make more than you need, you can sell it back to the hydro company (see Net metering below). When choosing batteries consider the type, brand, and how many is best for your system.


Inverters convert the DC current energy stored in batteries to the AC current that powers your home. The type of inverter you need depends upon what kinds of electrical devices you're powering and your budget. We account for the types of devices, how many there are, their peak load time, and your budget to calculate optimal efficiency.

Net metering

Your powerful solar system collects more energy than you are using. Don’t want to let that go to waste! You can buy more batteries to store it–a fantastic idea if you’re off-grid (not relying on BC Hydro backup). Or you can collaborate with BC Hydro and sell them the extra in a programme called net metering. It’s a great way to earn credits on your hydro bill and ideally reduce it to zero payable. 

System additions

What happens when families grow, new cars or appliances are bought, and demands for electricity increase? If you have a Net Zero optimised solar system it’s no problem! Part of our solar power system maintenance in Victoria and throughout Vancouver island includes the ability to add to your current array. This way your solar system grows with you so you will always have enough to power all of your electricity needs

Planning for an optimised solar energy system requires some complex calculations. Contact NeZero Solar today, to talk about one for your home or office. 778-771-4658

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