How weather resistant are residential roof solar panels?

Solar panels might look weather-susceptible, containing glass, brittle silicon wafers and delicate electronic wiring. But, they are made to sit atop your roof (or ground-mounted), exposed to the elements 365 days a year. Residential solar panel systems are designed to weather this kind of environment. They are able to withstand strong winds, heavy rain, snow, heat, cold and even hail. How do they do this?
Ways in which solar panels are weather resistant
- Durable, tempered glass protects them from hail
- Sturdy racking resists the weight of snow and hurricane force winds
- Aluminum, glass and special sealants offer protection against moisture
- Solar panels, like other electronics, perform better in colder weather
While the insides of the solar panel are sensitive, they are encased inside a strong, protective framework consisting of tempered glass and aluminum. Tempered glass is glass that has been treated to be physically stronger than regular glass (this is what the glass around hockey rinks is made of). It is also able to withstand greater temperature variations than regular glass, making it ideal for outdoor use all year round. The back of a solar panel is made from a durable form of plastic or polymer material, making the entire enclosure waterproof.
Sturdy Racking Keeps Solar Panels Secure
Sturdy racking keeps solar panels secure and protects them from the effects of wind and from collapsing under the weight of accumulated snow. Also, a roof solar panel installation will only be approved if the roof structure itself is sufficient to hold the weight of the panels plus snow. And don’t worry about cold weather hurting them. Cooler temperatures actually increase their efficiency!
This combination of materials and craftsmanship makes solar panels remarkably waterproof and weather resistant. They last for 30+ years outside, no matter the weather, converting the sun’s energy into electricity you can use.
Contact Netzero Solar today, and talk to us about solar-powered energy solutions for your home.