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Importance of Certified Energy Advisors in Solar Design Projects

June 22nd, 2022 in Solar Power Economics
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The Benefits of Going Solar

There are many benefits to going solar. But the one that tends to get people the most excited is that by harnessing free energy from the sun to generate their own electricity, they can sit back and watch their hydro bills get smaller and smaller!

Achieving Net Zero

Reducing your electricity bills is great! But the savings can get even better. If you reduce your bill to zero (congrats, you’ve achieved net zero!), and go on to generate more electricity than you need, you will be credited with the extra by BC Hydro. That means, in effect, you are storing excess electricity for your future needs–such as when you use more than you generate in a particular month.

Maximizing Energy Generation with Energy Evaluation

How do you maximize your energy generation to achieve net zero and start earning credit? We can’t increase the sun’s intensity, but we can make our homes more energy efficient. That’s where Certified Energy Advisors come in.

Certified Energy Advisors examine multiple elements of a home or commercial building to see where improvements can be made to increase energy efficiency. Mechanical systems, ventilation, doors, windows and the effectiveness of the building envelope are just some of the areas they will look at. These services are equally applicable if you’re looking-to-build or already have an existing home or commercial building.

A solar power system design that takes into account the energy evaluation performed by a Certified Energy Advisor will not only maximize energy efficiency, it will make a building more comfortable and healthier to live or work in.

Combining Solar Power with Energy Evaluation

Increase the amount you can save on energy costs by combining a commercial or residential solar power installation with an energy evaluation from a Certified Energy Advisor.

Netzero Solar works with certified energy advisors and certified electrical contractors to provide the most experienced team of energy professionals on Vancouver Island. Call us today to learn more: 250-516-5932.

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