Does 15 years ago feel like a long time?
Where were you 15 years ago?
007 in Casino Royale came out in 2006. It kind of feels like yesterday doesn't it? Nintendo Wii also came out the same year. Around the same time, Steve Irwin passed away, and Obama became the President of the USA. It doesn't seem that long ago.
And, 10 to 15 years is all it takes for a solar energy system to pay for itself. Before you know it, your installation of a solar energy system is paying YOU, while down the road everyone else will be forking over dollar after dollar to our local behemoth utility, BC Hydro.
Having access to our stable electrical grid is important, but so is protecting yourself against rate hikes that are coming. Utility rates in the last couple of years have been low, but do you know WHY? Check it out.
BC Hydro was bailed out by the government so that you, the homeowner, can keep affording to pay your utility bill. Is BC Hydro sustainable? Can they afford the maintenance of aging infrastructure or the Site C Dam overages with the rates as they are or are they drastically underfunded? We encourage you to do a little research and then make your own judgement.
An upfront investment or financed solar energy system goes a long way and before long you will be generating power for yourself, and the investment pays for itself. But wait, it gets better. Not only does solar pay for itself, but you get to choose how independent you become.
A “net-zero” energy home can pay for itself entirely. Or you can decide to offset a portion of your bills, eliminating more expensive energy costs first, and lower cost later. Solar literally pays for itself. Because your home makes enough of its own power and this energy is given value by BC Hydro.
We view this as something extraordinary. How often in life do you have a fixed cost, a utility like electricity, that you can take out of the equation? A fixed cost that you no longer have to pay? While 10 to 15 years may seem long when you take a moment to think about it, it’s really not and there are few other fixed household or business investments that can disappear over any amount of time, longer or shorter.
The ability to generate your own power is something that many have a hard time even imagining. You will no longer be dependent on the market price of power that you have no control over. You can budget far into the future without one of your significant fixed costs. Whether you are interested in taking control of your energy expenses, soon to be on a fixed income, or otherwise wish to make an investment with a strong return, solar can be a great option!
NetZero Solar is leading the way toward more effective and economical eco-friendly energy alternatives for residential and commercial clients using solar energy on Vancouver Island. NetZero Solar is based in Victoria, BC, Canada, servicing Victoria to Campbell River and areas of the lower mainland.
If you have any questions about this article or you would like to talk to us about solar energy, please feel free to contact us.