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The difference between grid-tied and off-grid solar panel systems

January 24th, 2023 in Solar Systems & Panel Installation
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Clean, renewable energy sources, like solar, become more popular and more affordable every year. So it’s important to know what your options are so you can make the right choice. Solar panel system installations generally come in two types: grid-tied and off-grid. Here’s the difference between them.

Grid-Tied, aka On-Grid

If you have a grid-tied solar power system in Victoria (or anywhere in BC), it means you have solar panels generating your own free electricity from the sun. It also means you are connected to the utility grid, aka, BC Hydro. This is a win-win scenario. Because if you generate more electricity than you use, you sell it to BC Hydro with their net metering program. If ever you need more electricity, they will supply you with whatever you need, just like they do when you don’t have a solar system working for you.

Grid-tied systems are cheaper than off-grid systems because less equipment is required. They are good for people who don’t have a lot of room or money for the number of solar panels they would need to cover their expenditure, but who still want to reduce their emissions and energy dependance, as well as earn as much free electricity as possible.


Off-grid solar systems are completely independent from our provincial utility BC Hydro. That means all the electricity you use must be self-generated. If you run out, you don’t have anywhere to get more. In order to cover your needs on days where you don’t generate as much, excess electricity must be stored in batteries on the days your solar panels generate an excess. This type of system benefits those living in remote or rural areas. Once up and running, they need never worry about energy prices again.

Having to store enough electricity in batteries, to cover lean days is what makes this type of system more expensive. More panels, more batteries, and ideally a backup generator are required to make off-grid systems work effectively. Careful measurements need to be made to understand how much free electricity you can generate vs. how much you will use. This is where the expertise of NetZero Solar’s energy experts becomes invaluable.

NetZero Solar will design a system that best suits you, taking into account your goals, budget, space, and sunlight. Contact us today! 250-516-5932

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