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Top 5 residential solar panel maintenance issues

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Solar systems are a fantastic way to take advantage of clean, renewable energy and reduce your energy bills. They work by harnessing all that free energy the sun provides and converting it to electricity to power your house or business. They’re designed to last for decades and be easy to take care of too.

Since there are no moving parts, solar system maintenance is fairly low and pretty straightforward. There are a few things to be aware of, regarding inverters, wiring, connections, the solar panels themselves, as well as system upgrades. Here’s a list of the 5 most common solar panel maintenance issues.

Solar system maintenance 

  1. Inverters convert DC energy collected by your solar panels to AC electricity used in your home or business. Inverters may develop issues, such as needing to be updated. Some updates are automatic, however some may need to be manually applied.
  2. Dislodged wiring. Sometimes wires get dislodged. Mischievous squirrels and birds can often be the culprit on the roof. Monitoring apps allow you to see how your system is performing. If you notice your system is no longer operating as expected, it indicates a problem. Your solar panel installation company may be able to determine the cause without a visit, or they may check on your system in person. There are animal-friendly guards available if animals are indeed the cause.
  3. Faulty connections. Sometimes a faulty connection is the problem when your solar power system fails to perform as expected. First steps in addressing this include checking available connections to see that everything is securely plugged in, rebooting systems, and ensuring the internet connection to the system is running properly.
  4. Clean panels. Solar panels are generally at such an angle as to be self-cleaning. And rain takes care of a lot. If it’s a long time between rain events, or if there is construction kicking up a lot of dust nearby, you may need to ensure your panels are clean yourself. Use only a soft brush or spray from a garden hose, and no chemicals. Additionally, do not wet panels that are very hot or very cold. Don't hesitate to ask your solar system installer for more tips on cleaning.
  5. Upgrades. If your solar system is not providing you with as much electricity as you require, you need an upgrade. This is commonly seen in households with growing families, as well as growing businesses. It also occurs over time as we acquire more and larger devices to power. Upgrading your system is the easiest and most convenient way to continue generating as much free energy as you need. All of NetZero Solar’s solar panel installations in Victoria and beyond are designed with this in mind. So future upgrades will be quick, easy, and stress-free.

Our expert team here at NetZero Solar can answer any questions you have about solar system design, installation and maintenance. We provide complimentary, no-obligation quotes as well! Give us a call at 250-516-5767.

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